Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Greedy or adventurous?

I've been thinking a bit recently about the differences between vanilla and kinky, between heterosexual and heteroflexible and the distinction between monogamy and more 'open options'. Bizarrely this was all bought on by evening meals on my work trip, because whenever we had dessert my colleague would always order plain vanilla ice cream. I worked my way though a coffee wafer basket, a 'Williams' which consisted of pear sorbet and cinnamon ice cream with marshmallows and red wine pear compote and chocolate flakes and a chocolate sundae. My colleague steadfastly insisted that vanilla was the best...I countered that it was boring and he pointed out that at least he knew what he was getting...

This got me thinking a bit - was I just being greedy? Would a few scoops of vanilla have satisfied me as much as my assorted choices? Would my life have been a little bit less full without experiencing pear sorbet and cinnamon with all the wonderful trimmings? It may make me greedy and extravagant and lots of other things but I think it would have been. I mean vanilla's nice enough but at it's best when offset with dark chocolate and cherries if you ask me...or rhubarb and apple crumble...or...

All the vanilla analysis got me thinking about sex and play and other things. I'm most definitely not vanilla - there are some flavours I avoid (liquorice and bubblegum spring to mind) but on the whole I like a mix. Definitely kinky. I love nice vanilla sex with all the cuddling and stroking and looking into each others eyes but I also love the hair twisting, head jerking, forceful sex after a heavy play that's anything but vanilla.

The other thing is I mostly fancy boys. I can't actually imagine myself in a relationship with a girl but sometimes it's fun to kiss or do rude things with girls. I view myself as heteroflexible not bisexual - I mostly like men but occasionally girls too. Is that being greedy? Or indecisive?

There's also the whole monogamy issue. I don't think I could commit to more than one person emotionally, so I think in terms of the emotional love issues I am monogamous. That doesn't mean that I don't want to play or do rude things with other people though, the ivory tower just isn't for me. The way I see it is that playing with other people adds to the fun and pleasure rather than taking it away from what you might have with your partner and you can both benefit.

I don't think I'm greedy...I think I'm just adventurous and open and in favour of anything that is fun and pleasurable and doesn't hurt anybody else (in a bad way). Surely that's not such a bad thing?


EmmaJane said...

Not at all greedy. And actually now that I think of it, by making yourself available to play with other people, not just devoting yourself 100% to one person you're actually being very generous!

Paul said...

Rebecca, I agree with EmmaJane, the world needs more like you.
"I don't think I'm greedy...I think I'm just adventurous and open and in favour of anything that is fun and pleasurable and doesn't hurt anybody else (in a bad way). Surely that's not such a bad thing?"
The above sentiment is excellent and one with which I heartily approve.
Warm hugs,

Jessica said...

Nah, not at all a bad thing. Just live your life as you fancy living it and screw what anyone else thinks!

Graham said...

Sounds like a delicious combination to me : ) And, um, now I *really* want ice cream...

Dante d'Amore said...

I vote for adventurous adventurous.
