Sunday, 13 September 2009

Love your curves...

I am not renowned for loving my body. Not that there's anything significantly wrong with it, it's just not quite as teeny tiny and muscle bound as I was in the height of my sporting days, when my mother used to jokingly refer to me as 'the hipless wonder'. It's also a 'girl thing' as by nature we're never happy with our bodies - we want bigger boobs, smaller boobs, more curves, less curves, hate our wonky little toe.

Having just got back from a few lovely days in the sun with the boy interest, which were mostly spent on the beach or by the pool I am feeling a hundred times better about my body. It's bizarre what a bit of sun and being justified in walking about in a bikini and tiny sarong and posing as a mermaid on rocks can do for your confidence. Enjoying your body reminds you why you love it, much like the glow you get after a good workout in the gym. The government should clearly prescribe beach holidays for all those with confidence issues...immediately!


Rayne said...

Love your body! Yay!! That is wonderful :D Absolutely the 'girl thing' -- I have body-confidence issues all the time... and I haven't met a single girl who hasn't...

We should all pose as mermaids more often! :D

Scarlett De Winter said...

And you've gone and got a tan, so I'm duty bound as someone who's the colour of milk all year round, to hate you. Seriously though, you look gawwwwwjus dahlink.
