Wednesday, 17 June 2009

On friends and frolics...

Well peeps has been a very very busy few days catching up with friends, partying, playing and general all-round sparklyness and fun. Am a bit too tired to say anything more profound than I feel very lucky to have such fantastic friends (of all varieties - vanilla, raspberry ripple and even mint choc chip) and to be both basking in the glow of fabulous fun with nilla friends and have stripes from playing with lovely friends last night. One of whom has thankfully forgiven me for extreme lack of tact, which is even more lucky. Also to have met some great new players and all round nice people who will hopefully become friends, partners in crime or involved in the resulting struggle to make us behave...Thanks to wonderful people who made things happen, fed me yummy food and played with me :)

Too sleepy to say anything too much about play or fabulousness but am rather proud of this photo - who says ball gowns and bouncy castles don't mix?


EmmaJane said...

Such a pity we didn't get to hang out hopefully will get to see you next time I'm over :)

The party sounded like such fun!!

Blue Fairy said...

Aww - you actually look really *little* in that photo!

Glad you are feeling so lovely and happy :-).


Caroline Grey said...

yes, you look about 8 years old in a party frock at someone's birthday. ;)

It was amazing meeting you and being whacked alongside you. More soon, I hope!

Rebecca said...

EmmaJane - it was a pity - hope to catch up with you properly soon though :)

Bluefairy - It is nice being happy and bouncy, though can make me slightly insufferable...

Caroline - twas great to meet you - I agree more more more ;-)

Jessica said...

You look about 8 in that pic. Are you?

Glad you had a lovely time...