I have been a bit remiss in posting as I have been a sickly bunny and totally excelled myself in managing to come down with the flu in a big way whilst in Bangkok. Everyone is swine flu mad here so spent most of yesterday at the hospital where after some time it was established that I have normal flu, not swine flu - panic over! However me and my friend came up with something quite funny - they are also still a bit paranoid about bird flu here and she commented that it would almost be worth getting both as then you could say that you had flying pig flu! Can you imagine the headlines?!
We went to the best restaurant ever - it is run by a charity offering HIV and sexual health services and called Cabbages and Condoms. There are whole people, flowers and statues made out of condoms and they give you a condom instead of a mint at the end of the meal. I'm wondering if we could start a similar model in the UK - Steaks and Spankings in aid of the education of delinquent girls?
I'm in Bangkok - which is a silly name as it is but was still a bit surprised to find a stall near my hotel that literally sold wooden cocks. I am debating buying one as a comedy souvenir for a friend but am not quite sure how I'd fare getting it through customs or quite how I'd explain the purchase to my colleagues if they somehow saw it! There is also a large billboard advertising 'The future of masturbation' which is some sort of male sex aid, various female arousal aids where chewing gum would normally sit in the supermarket and condoms in my hotel bathroom! It's probably just as well I'm feeling sickly otherwise I'd probably be able to think of nothing but sex all week!
I have seen some other potentially kinky purchases though - particularly super cute hair bows that would go down a treat with 'school friends' and some rather interesting underwear. I'm not sure about that though - I'm not a big girl but still bigger than most Thais! Am still in search of suitable implements but we are going to the weekend market hopefully on Saturday so maybe I'll find something then...
Hello Rebecca
Ah, Bangkok. One of my favourite cities. Gastronome's paradise. If you're staying in or around Sukhumvit, my suggestion is Laikram. Sukhumvit Soi 21, I think. Lovely seafood. Crab curry. Fishcakes. Etc etc. Yum. And Robinson's Department Store at the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 15 (I think) has a really good supermarket at the basement level. Divine mangoes. Lychees, in season (next best thing to sex). Be my proxy. Indulge for me.
Yrs in pervery, Adrian
You're sick... oh no!! Feel better soon!
I love Santa Condom.
Rebecca, hope that you feel better,
shame to be in such a fascinating city and feeling sick.
When you feel better have a wonderful time.
Warm hugs,
Cool pic! I hope you feel better soon!
The wooden cock should be no problem UNLESS you are continuing on to NZ where importing anything that might contain bugs or other parasites is probebly still punishable by flogging and deportation.
oh go on, buy it. It will be good for the house party - regency dildos were made out of wood or leather!
Thanks for the foodie tip! I may go cock-shopping tomorrow if I can escape the dreaded colleagues! Jessica - did they seriously have dildos in those days?! I'm shocked!
It looks as if they have no mints because they used them all to outline the sign saying they have no mints.
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