Thursday, 16 July 2009

Not stupid just fluffy...

Or a bit of a rant. I'm mostly very much a girls' girl - friends come first, I hug people far too much and hold a secret belief that a girly night in with wine and chocolate can cure most of the world's ills. I don't really intellecutalise too much, and can be a bit what you see is what you get. I wear lots of pink, lots of glitter and tend to get over-excited.

However, I am not stupid and it drives me mad when people act as if I am just because I'm giggling over a Cosmopolitan cocktail and don't have a deeply thought out argument for everything that I come across in life. If I want to have deep conversation about something I can (and do) but I don't want to do that all the time. In reality I have an excellent degree and other qualifications - I just don't always feel like adopting university supervisions as my conversational style. Equally just because I'm fluffy most of the time doesn't mean I'm a pushover or can't fight my own corner when I want to (as anyone unfortunate to come up against me in my full contact kickboxing days would testify). I just choose to be nice most of the time, life's more fun that way. Doesn't mean I'm a bimbo...


Jessica said...

You are blonde! Of course you are fluffy. It's cute.

I leave the 4am philosophy conversations to The Lover. That's more fun.

But you are not thick. You know you are not. So why should you give a flying fuck what anybosy else thinks of you as long as you are happy? xx

Paul said...

Rebecca, your friends don't think you're a bimbo, I wouldn't read here if I thought you were a bimbo.
I know the MSM likes to push the dumb blond image, but most blonds I know are the opposite.
Love and warm hugs,

Rebecca said...

Awww you are all so lovely. Am still giggling over a comment I got at work yesterday about being a 'serious player' - he meant in my department but it was very hard not to think of other connotations!

Indy said...

I have a hard time imagining anyone with any sense at all thinking you were dim, Rebecca. Which leads to a rather obvious conclusion...

It's funny, most of us, even women, have a tendency to dismiss women in work situations. It's amazing how much more effective we are when we resist that temptation and listen. And then the temptation disappears entirely. It's rather liberating, really.

LIkewise, those of us who sound like university supervisions all the time aren't as bad as we seem! :-)